Border, KS

Isn't Kansas a little northern for Southern Gothic? (Updates Tuesday and Thursday)

Category: Book 1

5.3 Listening Skills

“Shit titties!” Siobhan cursed loudly. Antigone and the others screamed, and Scotty cursed even more loudly and fluently than Siobhan. For a long moment no one moved, until Siobhan saw the note in her hand again, and some sense returned and tamped down on the flooding panic. “GO!” She shouted, grabbing Antigone by the hand […]


5.2 Rogues and Blackguards

The movie went well, with a small amount of amusing heckling from Siobhan at the dumber scenes of the major active movie sequel. There had been more people there, girls and boys, and it had been fun. They had parted ways at the theater with many of them, until it was Lacey, Monica, Scotty, and […]


5.1 Boys

Robby Rocket’s Rocket Burger Bar (with Rocket Fries and Rocket Sauce) was an exercise in branding gone awry. The whole place was covered in NASA and Sci-Fi paraphernalia, and Antigone thought the menu desperately needed a thesaurus for synonyms of ‘Rocket’ and ‘Lift Off’; it was bad to the point where ordering things could be […]


5.0 Aww

BEGIN CHAPTER 5: AN EVENING INTERLUDE   Later that week evening came to the Border with an unseasonal hint of crispness, a snap to the late August air that few had expected and fewer appreciated–a promise of the chill to come later in the year. Not so unpleasant as to require heavy coats, it nonetheless […]


4.10 Shock

The room stayed deathly silent for the space of several heartbeats. Walter thought he could hear those stunned organs pumping blood in the shocked quiet. Even the cameras recording the room seemed quieter, as if solemn. “Four or five?” Alexander asked in a voice of quiet awe, or perhaps somewhat subdued terror. “Four or five […]


4.9 Ruminations

The teacher was droning on about the history of the area, but Siobhan didn’t care. She could tell that Antigone didn’t either, from the volume of hasty and encoded notes the two of them were passing. And when the teacher’s back turned and she entered the bizarre teaching trance that locked her somewhat in a […]


4.8 The Key

Everyone in the room looked in quiet shock between the two women who had just been declared as sisters, so Walter felt better that he hadn’t known. The small conference room echoed with the silence of people comparing faces for similarities, looking for differences. Tania Summers wore a grin that suggested felines catching small yellow […]


4.7 The Locke

The total time from the initial request for an interview with Tania Summers to the first call from her attorney was exactly three minutes ad thirty-seven seconds. It was, Marshal Alexander had informed them, a new departmental record. And not just by a little bit. It was hours later and pushing the end of business […]


4.6 An Open Door

The room was as plush and well appointed as the rest of the house. It had a long desk of richly dark wood standing on a carpet made with the designs of a medieval tapestry. Large bookshelves and antique cabinets lined the walls, and a heavy chandelier lit the scene in soft but steady warmth. […]


4.5 Gilded

New money dresses itself up in baubles in an attempt to look like old money; old money doesn’t need to try to look like anything else. That was what occurred to Walter. If someone was dressing their house up with statues of naked babies pissing champagne, they probably wouldn’t have been descended from earls. Old […]
