The children hit the house like a wrecking crew, loud and without the least suggestion of subtlety. Shoes were once again piled in front of the door, and the whole lot of them looked like they might just strip everything off there and sit on the couch in underwear until Walter chivvied them to their […]
“Ok, this is getting ridiculous.” Antigone said with a shake of her head, her mouth forming a moue of displeasure. “Siobhan gets a magic dog, and now both of you are Faerie princesses?” She challenged them, before she looked back to her father. “I get a car right? I mean it’s only fair.” “I thought […]
“Why the hell does this keep happening?” Walter asked. The question had stewed in him for a long time, and he had been debating how to phrase it best. All the way back to the school with Morgan riding behind, which would have been pleasant otherwise, they stewed within him. Now, standing in what was […]
“He still looks like he’s sneering, even when he’s unconscious.” Morgan Winters commented as she came up on the mostly still, but sadly breathing, man. “I wonder if that’s actually like, permanent damage.” “One can only hope.” Walter commented as he made sure he still had his…well, everything secured about his person as he came […]
There is a particular violence to a horse collapsing. All of that lean elegance and those long limbs are suddenly chaos and horror, whipping around unnaturally as the formerly majestic animal tumbles to the ground. Greyhounds have a similar horror to their tumbles, Walter knew. He had only seen a horse really go down at […]
Chaos has a sound. It’s an amalgamation of other sounds, but it has its own distinct tenor and quality—and every human being knows it on an instinctual level. It plays its symphony when the orchestra of confusion and wariness join in not just with fear, but with a very good reason to be afraid. It […]