Border, KS

Isn't Kansas a little northern for Southern Gothic? (Updates Tuesday and Thursday)

9.5 Hiding (Bijoux, Pt 2)

Two different thoughts ran through Antigone’s mind at the same time. The first one was to run as fast as humanly possible away from the people, because oh my god they were coming for them. There was a terror, Antigone found, to being hunted and knowing it that she hadn’t expected. But the other part […]


9.4 Seeking (Bijoux, Pt I)

The hospital, Antigone reflected, was not any less spooky with the lights shut off now than it had been over winter break. That might have been comforting, that it really had been as scary at that point as it was now, but it wasn’t; they were still in this goddamn place again with the lights […]
